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Cannot download Spotfire@Analyst 11.7.0

Luis Huang

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Hi Admin,

I am trying to donwload Spotfire@Analyst 11.7.0, when the download progross reachto ~45%, pop out a meassage that: Invalid configuration, recieved an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from transpot strem.

Then, the only choice for me it to stopthe downloading.


Could you pls help to fix it thank you.

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As this appears to occur when your Analyst is connected a Spotfire Server, downloading a new Spotfire version from the server, to start with, have you contacted the Administrator of the server

To find out if the issue is general in your environment, or specific to you, do you have any colleagues connecting to the same server, that have successfully downloaded the upgrade

The error is not-Spotfire specific, and you'll get a lot of hits if you google for it, so I suggest that you explore those to look for a solution that is applicable to you:


In general, the issues appear to be related to issues with SSL certificates/TLS.


What Operating System do you have

What .NET version do you have (you can find some examples of how to check that here - use a method that works for you, on your OS):


I'm asking to find out out if either of those is quite old.


For logging, the complete error message is:

"Invalid Configuration

Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream."


Best Regards


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