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Set default value to drop-down list (SPOTFIRE)

Fabrizio Varchetta

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Hello Fabrizio,

If you are creating a dropdown document property based on unique values of a column, you have to specify the default value when creating a document property that will hold the value:


1) Create a new doc prop and set the value to "a" or "b"

2) Use that doc prop to drive your control.


Remember that the input of the control can be the set to use unique values of a column or the column names from a data table among other options. The output when changing the value of that column will be set to the document property.


Note:l If you do not specify a value when creating the document property, the value of the dropdown will be blank represented by "---".


If you want to always have the document property to be a certain value when opening the analysis or even the tab, it would be a different approach. Is that what you are looking for

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