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Spotfire Analytics (web) and SQL Server data source

Vincent Le Roux

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Hi experts,

I'm new on Spotfire and I'm wondering a lot of questions with this powerful tool.

For exemple :

With the Spotfire Desktop client, I'm able to create a data source to Microsoft SQL Server and I can make a dashboard on top of it.

Now, I would like to export my analysis on my Spotfire Server, in order to create a lot of stuff like Schedule, etc.

My questions are :

- Why I can't directly create an analysis on SQL Server through web Analytics instead of using the Desktop Currently, I'm only able to use "Google Analytics" and "Salesforce" but where are the other data sources

- How I can export my data connection / dashboard from my Desktop into my Server (library) I can only save the dashboard into a local dxp file...

Best regards,

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Hello Vincent!


- Why I can't directly create an analysis on SQL Server through web Analytics instead of using the Desktop Currently, I'm only able to use "Google Analytics" and "Salesforce" but where are the other data sources

If you take a look in the TIBCO Spotfire Business Author and Consumer User's Guide, the Supported data sources page (https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/11.6.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfire_bauthor-consumer_usersguide/bauthcons/topics/en-US/supported_data_sources.html) you'll find an explanation of how this works. Basically, full web client authoring is only available for some connectors (Google Analytics and Salesforce), and for others, a connection needs to have been created in the installed/desktop client first and saved to the Library - you can then continue working with that connection to create your analysis from the web client. So for your use case, at least starting in the installed client sounds like what you should do.

- How I can export my data connection / dashboard from my Desktop into my Server (library) I can only save the dashboard into a local dxp file...

What options do you see under the File > Save As dialog Do you only have a "File" option, or do you also see a "Library Item" (that I assume is grayed out for you then)

As you are using the word "Desktop", first note that there is a specific version of the TIBCO Spotfire client called "Spotfire Desktop". That is a stand-alone version, that does not connect to a Spotfire server, so using that, you would not be able to connect to a Spotfire Server. The regular TIBCO Spotfire Spotfire Analyst client (that CAN connect to a Spotfire Server) is sometimes referred to as the desktop client, and that can cause some confusion. In your Spotfire client, go to the Help menu > About TIBCO Spotfire. What does the text just below the TIBCO Spotfire logo say - TIBCO Spotfire Desktop [version] or TIBCO Spotfire Analyst

In the File > Save As options I mentioned above, in Desktop you would only have the File option, while Analyst would also have Library Item option.

If you are using TIBCO Spotfire Analyst, another thing to check is that you are connected to the Spotfire Server and not running offline.


Best Regards


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