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Loading jdbc sources /connectors in Streambase Studio from Spotfire connector jars (not 3rd party)

Sharad Honavar

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Hello I am new to this Tibco and ourrecent install. I can use Spotfire Analyst to connect to our MS SQL Server 2019 databases using the jdbc connectors that came with the Spotfire install.

I am trying to configure the jdbc source for MS SQL Server 2019 in the SB Studio in my Spotfire Data Streams Liveview project. not whole lot ofMaven experience from the .NET world.

My question: Can I load the same Spotfire jdbc connectors into Studio Maven dependency Or do I have to download the MicrosoftSQL 2019 jdbc drivers as 3rd party and load into Maven

if so, is it C:Tibcotss11.4tomcatspotfire-libmssql-jdbc_auth9.2.1.x64.dll as specified in the Spotfire Server docs

If not, then, jdbcdatasource-10.6.1.jar from local repo C:Usersanil.m2repositorycomtibcoepsbconfigurationjdbcdatasource10.6.1, is already loaded in the project "Maven dependencies"but does not show in the drop down list for JDBCTable Data Constuct in the designer. If I try to add the Maven dependency, what is the groupID/artifact/version (tried com.tibco.ep.sb.configuration(from local jar POM)/jdbcdatasource/10.6.1, or com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration(as in the HOCON type in the "Streambase JDBC Data Source Configuration" doc) .

I read through the "Using jdbc Data Source", and "Streambase jdbc Data source Config" and the samples jdbc-query and lv_sample_jdbc_table which donot specify if the HOCON file jdbcsources.config has to be created from a scratch(or copied) or if there's a wizard.

Also read the sample code in jdbc-queryand the lv_sample_jdbc_table project, where it is already configured w/MySQL but cannot see the steps that were taken to create or load it from 3rd party or tibco jars

Also the


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