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Spotfire: Converting check box filter to a list box filter when adding filters in Text Area

Jung Choi

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Hi everyone - I'm currently trying to add filters to my text area in a Spotfire report but unsure of how to add a list box filter for specific columns of interest. When I try adding, these columns are already defaulted to a checkbox filter. What I'm doing is:



right click text area

choose edit text area

click on insert filter in the tool bar

scroll down to my table of interest

select the columns that I want to add filters for

some of these columns have checkbox symbols while others have listbox


Any idea how to change the type of filter you're adding I would like to convert the columns that are defaulted to a checkbox filter specifically to have a list box filter.

Thank you so much in advance!!

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Click on View/Filters to display the Filter Panel, then find the column you want to add to your Text Area. Hover over the upper right hand corner to bring up the menu, then you can click on Filter Type and select the type of filter that should be used for that column. This will carry over to the Text Area Filter Controls. (See attached screen shot)
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