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Use PostGIS as source of polygon data in Spotfire dashboard

oliver morris 2

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I am trying to load polygons into spotfire map chart, the geometry is encoded as WKB - e.g.:

create view present_nonclipped.v_gde_polygon_aggregated as

SELECT pk_index, age, primary_lithology, ST_AsBinary(geom) as geom

FROM present_nonclipped.gde_polygon

where age = 431.400;

Unfortunately is doesnt recognise this. I have used the same method with sql server for years and no dramas. Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong. I am using the latest ODBC drivers from Postgres.


Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...

wow, not quite the highactivity community I was expecting, do no Tibco staffers work the boards

For the benefit of others also having this issue, it turns out that Spotfire can read native geometry from PostGIS but alas only if you IMPORT into the project, on demandis not supported. I have no idea why.

Hope this helps someone.


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