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Export report to PDF by auto service job works when exe locally(i could see the pdf saved into the destination path), also no log issue when exe by server, but nothing saved into the destination.

Yaner Jiang 2

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Export report to PDF by auto service job works when exe locally(i could see the pdf saved into the destination path), also no log issue when exe by server, but nothing saved into the destination. also when i use automaton scheduling , job finished but nothing saved into the destination path. ( Spotfire Version 10.10)

not sure if anyother config need

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If after job execution(on server) the PDF file is not savedin the destination folder, verify the following points:

1. Ensure the 'Destination Path' is accessible from the Node Manager machine in File Explorer. As a best practice, this would be a UNC path like \spotfirewebnm1Test.

2. Ensure the service account running the Node Manager service has Write permissions on the destination path.

Note: If you have multiple Automation Services services on multiple Node Managers, ensure these points on all Node Managers since the execution may take place on any service.

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