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How would you write a custom expression for a bar chart to bin items spanning a period of time

Ray Jorgensen

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I'm wrestling with how to write a customexpression that would span a time period and count objects that are "active" during that period. The bar chart would have binbydate showing months, with the Y-Axis showing counts colored by the active status during a given month for the object. Here's an example data set:

Start Date End Date State

15-Jan 21-Apr Open

14-Feb 31-Mar in Review

22-Mar 1-Jun Open


The result would be a bar chart as follows:

Jan 1 Open

Feb 1 open, 1 In Review

Mar 2 Open, 1 in review

Apr 1 Open

The key is counting the number in each state at the end of a given month.

In MS Excel, I can use COUNTIFS(, Start Date < "end of month", End Date >= "end of month") (counts items still active by the end of the month;if closed within the month, it's no longer active.)

I've tried several variants with Spotfire, but keep getting error messages. My most promising approach was "UniqueCount( If( DateDiff( [start Date] ,[Axis.X]) < 0 , [RowId], null))", but that didn't work. I'm not sure how to compare a column date to the MAX([Axis.X]) (yes, I tried that, too).

Thanks for any advice that you may have!

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  • 3 weeks later...

After soliciting some advice from peers and experimenting with a possible approach, I've figure out a way to tackle this topic, however not with a custom expression, but rather withsome new calculated columns and a major transformation of the dataset.

To identify the "active" state of an artifact between the startand finish dates, I added calculated columns for each month of a year (Jan-Dec) with the following equation for each column:

IF([start Date]

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In addition, I was attempting to indicate the "enduring state" of a task.  For example, on the "end date", the task transitioned to closed, and thus remains "closed" until acted upon by another event.  The transition to the "closed" state is recorded, but how do you capture the fact that the task remains closed in subsequent months.  To assign this task, I created 12 end state columns (Jan - Dec End State) to capture the enduring nature of this state with the following equation.


IF([End State] Is Not Null,IF([End Date]<=(If(Month(Today())<1,Date(Year(Today()) - 1,1,31),Date(Year(Today()),1,31))),
 If(Month(Today())<1,Date(Year(Today()) - 1,1,31),Date(Year(Today()),1,31)),null),null)


This logic assigns the last day of the month to the "Monthly End State" column to indicate that the end state is still active in each subsequent month.


The resulting table based on my original example above would be as follows:


Start Date End Date Begin State End State Jan Activity Feb Activity Mar Activity Apr Activity May Activity Jun Activity Jan End State Feb End State Mar End State Apr End State May End State Jun End State
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review 15-Jan 28-Feb 31-Mar             30-Apr 31-May 30-Jun
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed   14-Feb 31-Mar             30-Apr 31-May 30-Jun
22-Mar 01-Jun Open Reviewed     22-Mar 30-Apr 31-May             30-Jun




In the next post, I'll address the final transformation. 

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Lastly, I used the "Unpivot" transformation to realign the new "monthly columns" into a single column.


Start Date End Date Begin State End State Period Type Active Period
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review Jan Activity 15-Jan
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review Feb Activity 28-Feb
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review Mar Activity 31-Mar
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review Apr End State 30-Apr
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review May End State 31-May
15-Jan 21-Apr Open Ready for Review Jun End State 30-Jun
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed Feb Activity 14-Feb
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed Mar Activity 31-Mar
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed Apr End State 30-Apr
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed May End State 31-May
14-Feb 31-Mar In Review Closed Jun End State 30-Jun
22-Mar 01-Jun Open Reviewed Mar Activity 22-Mar
22-Mar 01-Jun Open Reviewed Apr Activity 30-Apr
22-Mar 01-Jun Open Reviewed May Activity 31-May
22-Mar 01-Jun Open Reviewed Jun End State 30-Jun
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