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Write back to Impala via IronPython

Alena Skurat 2

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Hi everyone,

Do you work with Impala and use write back functionality Could you help with this issue

When I run IronPythonscript under Spotfire profession on mylocal machine everything is fine and I see a new row in database. The problem is when I run dashboard using web player. Iuse2.5.30.1011 version of ODBC for Impala. Spotfire version is 7.6.

We have the errorfrom spotfire log file:

ERROR [HY000] [Cloudera][impalaODBC] (100) Error from the Impala Thrift API: SASL(-1): generic failure: Failed to initialize security context: No credentials are available in the security package

Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Exceptions.ImportException: Failed to execute data source query.


1. We use kerberos authentication.

2. ODBC driver was instaled on both servers.

My attempts to solve this problem:

1. Set up last version 2.5.35 of ODBC.But didn't have result at all. Dashboard was in processing status all time on the web player.

2. Wrine python script using new logic. The same result.

3. Create particular ODBC on both servers and connect via DSN name. The same error.


Do you have any other ideas for solving this issue Could you recommend something for us

I would be very grateful for any advice.

Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...
Because you are using Kerberos, Impala is expecting the connection request to come secured Kerberos user. You machine is logged in as you (a secure Kerberos user) and works as expected. When you run it on the web player, the request is not coming from you but rather the "web player service user" that is running the web player. This "web player service user" needs to be a valid Impala Kerberos user. Is the "web player service user" a secure Kerberos user
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