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Display all the months on xaxis spotfire irrespective of data present or not

Bhaghirathi Kundu

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I have a bar chart on spotfire where it is showing data for the month of May but since there is no data for remaining months like June , July and so on till Dec for 2021 , it is unable to display zero data for those monthson the bar chart.. In other words my zoom slider only expands and collapses for May month. I tried command but this only works if data is present for all the months and not when there is zero data for any month.

Please let me know if there is any solution to this or may be I can use some other function.Thanks in advance.

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Change the category axis 'Settings'to Axis Mode: Continuous (please see below screenshot).This will show the months where you don't have data. This will also shrink the bar size to a very thin bar. Alternatively, you could put this in a trend/line chart and it will show the months where you don't have data.
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