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Showing All columns using script in Table

Aditya Singh 3

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Hi All

I am changing datatable through document property used in table viz using script and it works perfectly but the columns are not coming in the table. How can we load the columns also along with script.

Script Used:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

#This script takes myTablePlot Visualization as a script parameter



if Document.Properties["sc1"] == "A":

table = Document.Data.Tables["A"]

elif Document.Properties["sc1"] == "B":

table = Document.Data.Tables["B"]

elif Document.Properties["sc1"] == "C":

table = Document.Data.Tables["C"]

#Replace the data table used by the visualizatoin

vis.Data.DataTableReference = table



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