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Using a Python script, how do you change Marker Layers on a Map Chart

Teresa Kleb 2

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I have two marker layers on a map. One to select by counties and then it returns On-Demand data back to the map. I want to build a Python script that will select the next Marker Layer without people having to know how to use the Layers Control to switch the layers. I just want them to click a button and then be able to select from the On-Demand data. I have been unsuccessful in finding any helpful examples on this site and on the Internet in general. Any Python examples will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Here is an example that changes the shape and the size. Refer to the API doc (https://docs.tibco.com/pub/doc_remote/spotfire/7.6.0/doc/api/html/T_Spotfire_Dxp_Application_Visuals_MarkerType.htmto see all shape options.




# import required classes

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.Maps import MapChart, MarkerLayerVisualization

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import MarkerType, MarkerShape


# set visual

visual = myVisual #Script Parameter


map = visual.As[MapChart]()


# get the marker layer and set the marker size

for layer in map.Layers:

if layer.Title == "SalesAndMarketing": #My Layer Name

markerLayer = layer.As[MarkerLayerVisualization]()

markerLayer.ShapeAxis.DefaultShape = MarkerShape(MarkerType.Square)

#print dir(markerLayer.Visual)

markerLayer.MarkerSize = 5.0

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  • 2 months later...

In Spotfire 7.7 it is now possible to set a layer as interactive based on the zoom visibility setting. Assuming marker layer 1 (county) is displayed at higher level than marker layer 2 then when Map chart switch from layer 1 to layer 2 and layer 2 will be automatically set as interactive layer when displayed.


To do this you should just set marker layer 1 to be visible at higher level than marker layer 2 from the Zoom Visibility property panel on your Map chart properties.

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  • 1 year later...

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.Maps import MapChart, MarkerLayerVisualization

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import MarkerType, MarkerShape,CategoryKey

from System.Collections.Generic import List

m = MapChart1.As[MapChart]()

#Layers is called by integer and it probably isn't the way you see them in the interface so you'll have to play around to find the right one

MyLayers= m.Layers[2]

MyLayer = MyLayers.As[MarkerLayerVisualization]()

MyTypeCY =MarkerType.StarFive

MyTypeLY =MarkerType.Diamond

MyShapeCY =MarkerShape(MyTypeCY)


# you can also use something like KeyLY=CategoryKey('2017')

# MyLayer.ShapeAxis.ShapeMap[KeyLY]=MyShapeCY

for Cat in MyLayer.ShapeAxis.ShapeMap.GetCategories():

if Cat.ToString()==CYText:


elif Cat.ToString()==LYText:


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  • 1 year later...
Hi Luvigz,IS there a way to change the Visibility of Marker Layer Only, if i preset the Properties of the Layers. I have 4 different Datatables(A,B,C,D) in my dxp, i added these 4 data tables as my marker layers and i would like to load the pointers of them on the Map based on my Data tables Selection through Button. For Example, i select Button 1, then only MArker Layer A Visibility should be enabled and rest 3 should be disabled. Any Help is much appreciated. thanks.
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