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How Can I "freeze" an information

Rafael Silva

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Hi, i am new to spotfire and i need to complete a task for my job, but had been a hard time. If someone can help me i will aprecciate

What I need to do is visualization table, but, that show data in every week, for example:

We are at week 24, I need a way to save the informations of this week and when week 25 arrives, the information of week 24 is in the visualization and information of week 25 is added in a new "collumn", like this


Week 24 (Keep in table visualization) ---- > Next Week 25 (New fieldin the table visualization) -----> And so on Week N (But always keeping the previous week in visualization)


I dont need an exact answear, but any direction on what I study or research to get this result, is very welcome.

Thank you

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i will try to explain the context behing the request, the data is about planned maintenance (PM) and the analysts are responsible to schedule the jobwith the field engineers, setting a date with them.The Data will update always with new data, more specific rows or simply update already existing rows.

So the data table is an information link in a database with all kind of information related to PM like, state, responsible for the job, the expectate date for the job and the most important that is the scheduled date, known as PM Schedule Date.

And how do I use this, if PM Schdule Date is filled than it means that the analyst already scheduled the job with the enginner.

With this i get in what i want, the analysts have a number of "rows" to schedule, for exempleRafael have 10 cases (rows)to schedule, this week (A) I scheduled 1case, then in my table visualization will show 9 cases lefts. But next week (B) I Scheduled 3 cases, then in my table will show 6cases left.

This is where my request enters, because the data will always update, but the previous data of week A will be lost when update for week B. Then, there is a way to preserve the numbers of week A and add the numbers of week B

Like this

Analyst ------------Week A ------------------------------ Week B

|| Scheduled | Not Scheduled || Scheduled | Not Scheduled

Rafael || 1 | 9 || 4 | 6

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Please post your replies only as a comment, not as answer. Otherwise this question will be marked as answered and some users might not read it. I know, this can be confusing in this forum... This could be more user friendly... ;)


I think I understand your problem. Can you please let me know if you also have the information in the table when the PM was schedueled This information could be very helpful to solve your problem.

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Sorry, thanks for the orientation. 


About the information of the PM Schedule date, i am speaking with the responsible team of my job to add this field in the corresponding information link. Actually, I have other dates that I can use to get a result, but it's not so accurate



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Alright. The idea is, if you have a column that tells you when the PM popped up (= when the data row was added)  and a column that tells you when the PM was scheduled, then you can always check whether it was schedule with a certain time range (same week/within 7 day etc). This will help you to track open PMs over time
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humm... that's an ideia that can aggregate some good insights... I will explore this idea for certain, but for exemple, what a about the in visualization of the progression in schedule of PM's. Considering that the analyst will have to schedule cases during the year and a I want a table that shows his progression during a periodo of time (month, week, day).


Because the only thing I did, was a table that tells "John have 200 cases along the year to schedule", but when this value update I won't have this information anymore and It wont bring the felling to see how the analyst is improving or if he is not improving.


What do you suggest Scripting 

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Oh!! now i got it... and this seems intresting, i thinks this is what was lacking. Okay Now it's time to think and apply your suggestion, that seems to work for now kkkkk


So how this works The question will be "solved" or I can comeback anytime to ask other things


Because, now I think I dont have anymore questions

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Don't worry. You will be able to track this. You can break down your data by quarter, month, week and so on. And for any of those date ranges you will see how many PMs were open or already scheduled. 


All you need is a calculated column that validates your condition. Please check my screenshot where I used the condition that the PM was scheduled within two days after the PM was created. You can even use the range slider to adjust the summary on weekly or monthly base.



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I was out for a few days....Sorry for the late reply.


I can't see any picture. Can you please checke if the upload was successful


It shouldn't cause any issue or confuision when you are having multiple years.


And how do you expect to have a good analysis if your data is not correct You should try to fix the data source (if possible) to avoid workarounds in the analysis.

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