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I need to know how to reset / set an imported DataSource's connection information.

Harvey Meeker

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I'm working on automating the deployment of Tibco Spotfire for multiple customers. We have an existing dashboard that we want to use with different customers and they each have their own database that the dashboard uses as a datasource. We have this dashboard and datasource exported using the export process that creates two zip files, one for the datasource and one for the dashboard.

In a normal deployment we import the two zip files that contain the dashboard and data source and then use Spotfire Analyst to configure the data source to point to the correct database (Oracle DB).

The importing of the files is easy via command line, but I'm struggling to find a way to automate thechanging of the connection information. It doesn't seem like there is a command line option for doing this. I noticed that in the exported data source zip file there are two files one of which contains the connection information with the URL in plaintext, but the username and password are encrypted. I was thinking if the API for encryption was available I could just update that file, but at the same time I have no idea if that is an option and it seems a bit of a hack.

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