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How to edit the name of the origin of data

Lukas Huber

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Hey all,

I have been struggling to change the name of the origin of my data which is illustrated on the graph:



I want to modify each of the 20210408_NaCl_... to specific names, is that possible

I tried lots of stuff but couldn't find a way for doing so.

Currently, it is like Filename_Working Sheet_...


Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!

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Hi Luki,

Via the data flyout (or the menu View --> Data), you can split a column into different columns. You can use the _ as seperator so your column Filename_Working Sheet_...would result in 3 columns:

Filename, Working Sheet and ... Once you have that, you could then use the ... column to display the different values for better readability.

See alsohttps://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/11.3.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfi....

Kind regards,


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