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Expand and collapse rows in cross table / table

Shubh M

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Is there a way to expand and collapse (maximize and minimize) rows in cross table or normal table(TIBCO Spotfire 10.10.2)

We have a requirement to replace an excel report which has this feature. If there is no direct way, a work around will also be helpful.

I am attaching a sample from excel, where country can be expanded to see sites within countries and then minimise to just see countries.

Thank You !

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Hi Shubnam,

Please find attached dxp as a possible solution.

It is based on a hierachy, which is set as the vertical axis. This will result in a slider which does the same as the expanding, folding option in Excel. The only difference is, you cannot expand/fold individual rows. You expand and fold the complete (next/current) level in the hierarchy.

Kind regards,


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  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Hi David! This functionality is so sorely lacking.  What we have to always do is make a separate details table which looks exactly the same it is really frustrating and a poor user experience. Is there any way to somehow build this functionality in? Can we create some kind of custom .NET component or something? or is there just no way? The hierarchy both looks pretty bad and the inability to open row by row make it unusable in the majority of our use cases.




Edited by quantben
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For all reviewing/following this thread - I can confirm that there is an idea on the ideas portal capturing this request: https://ideas.spotfire.com/ideas/SPF-I-4991. It includes a recent comment about alternative approach to try out.

"In Spotfire it is possible to zoom into visualization details by marking data. This functionality will enable to first mark data points within a visualization and then show all values across levels of a hierarchy by using the hierarchy slider on the axis selector. The marking can also be further refined as you switch between hierarchy levels. This documentation page will help setting this up."

We welcome any suggestions for workarounds in this thread. 

And if you haven't done so already, please vote for this idea if you agree it would be a good additional feature, you can add a comment about the value of having this freature would have to your organisation / work.

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Dear quantben,

Since your comment is understandable, we should, however, highlight that you are comparing two solutions with completely different purposes. On one hand, you have MS Excel which is well known for its spreadsheets used to manipulate data at the cell level, and on the other hand, you have Spotfire, a visual data science and advanced analytics solution providing a large panoply of graphics and visualizations (that can be enriched which Mods) to load and visually analyze your data. Even if they look like a sheet, table plots, and cross tables are still visualizations built with the same paradigm as the other graphics. We are not willing to replicate Excel Spreadsheets. MS Excel also had its own set of visualizations and none of them provides what you are asking. 

This being said, as you have noticed, this is already under consideration on our idea portal. If meanwhile, you need an acceptable workaround we can plan a session with you. Note that our Spotfire client SDK can be used to add extensions including .NET library components. Many customers use this possibility to build their applications.

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