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License requirements for TIBCO Spotfire Service for Python Software

Sean Flaherty 2

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Hi sflaherty,

Licensing is something your management and TIBCO account/sales management would have been involved in. This would end up in a contract in which it is stated that you can use various products of the TIBCO family.

My advice would be to check what is in the contract to ensure you can deploy the Python service for Spotfire on a node manager. If that is unclear, you can check with the TIBCO account/sales team.

Having said that, the Python for Spotfire service is a similar service as the web player service, the automation service and the TERR Service for Spotfire. To run these services, you only need a working Spotfire server and (a couple of) node managers. There is no need for any TSSS installation or license. Before TIBCO released the Python service, there was a free package available on the TIBCO exchange site,to run Python for Spotfire versions 7 (it worked also on early version Spotfire 10 and probably still does).So onceyou have checked that you can use all Spotfire server components, you can then proceed with installing the Python service.

Kind regards,


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