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Dashboard for Customers

Dallas Dye 2

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Hello TIBCO Community, i'm looking for a way to create dashboards for my customers and log into their designated cloud accoutn we give them. The problem i'm tyring to work around is that all of my customers info is located in the same database and i need to restrict each customers access to only thier data. My database has all of my customers in it so if there was a way to implement a security rights setting or something of this nature, that would be ideal.


Right now i use the TIBCO Cloud, all my data is saved into the library there.


Thank you for any ideas or help,



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Hi ddye-o,


Not sure if it is possible in your case, as you work in the Cloud, but you can consider setting up a lookup table in the database. This table should contain at least user id (or user name) and customer name. You then have to add the information from the security table in the dashboard (using an information link). The customer data from the original table(s) should also be created via an information link. And within that customer data information link, you can set a filter based upon the username that logs on to it, so it will filter on the corresponding customer name from the lookup table. This would ensure that any user is only seeing its own customer data.


Now it looks like a lot of hassle, but it is not that complicated actually. Within Spotfire Help, you can look for personalized information links and you will find a useful explanation of the above as well.


Kind regards,



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