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Spotfire, Calculated Columns to show Percentages

Philip Connell

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Do you want the results in new columns in that Cross Table you have If yes, perhaps you can share your dxp or sample data set which shows your exact configuration.


Or do you want to create calculated columns that calculate those totals If you want calculated columns, you would expressions like these (i made assumptions of the data table structure that the cross table is based on, so you might need to modify):


Count(If([Consent Indicator]='NO',[CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country])


Count([CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country]) as [% NO]


Count(If([Consent Indicator]='YES',[CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country])


Count([CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country]) as [% YES]


Count(If([Consent Indicator]='' or [Consent Indicator] is null,[CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country])


Count([CUSTOMER_ID]) OVER ([Country],[Total Amount in Country]) as [% Empty]

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