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IronPython input variable spontaneously switches from Property to Expression... doesn't come through.

Przemek Stasica

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Hi, I'm trying to pass a value to an IP script variable from Document Properties, which is in DateTime format.

However, after I define the input parameterand itsbinding to 'Properties' and point to the desired Document Property (${MyDate} correctly showing in the field ) the binding spontaneously switches to 'Expression', showing the same${MyDate} thing there. This happens as soon as I click OK. There is no way to keep the 'Properties' binding.

As a result the script is not getting any value.

When I set binding to 'Value' and put some date there everything is fine, the value passes to the script.

Also, when I do the same with a string parameter all works OK, the binding stays as set.

Is this some sort of a nasty bug or am I missing something fundamental

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