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Sliders and Property Controls

Katie Sikorski

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I am still new to Spotfire and I am having trouble creating a Slider that updates the Total Well Count, Total Operator Count, Total Sum Oil, Total Sum Gaswhen the user selects the Date Slider I want the counts to be included like this example I have tried everything.

So what I am asking is how hard is it to create a text area and then Put these 4 columns Total Well Count, Total Operator, Total Oil, Total Gas and have the user be able to use a date slider that updates the counts for Wells and Operators and the Sum of Oil and the Sum of the Gas based on a date


Any help will be appreciated I have watched several videos and how to's but still can't make it work. Thanks I have attached an example I found and I am looking for the Text Box example. Thanks again!

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Ok Krsiten one question if I use a filter that has differnt RSV_CAT such as 1PDP, 2PDNP and 3PUD and I only want 1PDP do I have to save that Filter Scheme in order to get just 1PDP and to the Calcualted Column not sure how to create the Operator Count and the Sum of Oil and Gas in a Filter. My apologies.
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