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Production Versus Forecast On Same Chart

Katie Sikorski

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Ok I tried to create a Information link to a Well Header Table, a Production Table and a Forecast Table. I want to create a graph that has Production versus forecast but what I need it the production First then the forecast once the production stops. I tried joining them but it is not working or lining up correctly because Production has a date/time and forecast has a date time. How can I get both to show up on a Graph together correctly Please help.

I have attached a sample of what I am trying to get spotfire to do.


All I want is Gas Production to start and then forecast to start after production stops and the same for the Oil on one graph. I can get them on separate graphs but need them together please

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Hi Kat14,

Not sure if I understand this part correctly:

All I want is Gas Production to start and then forecast to start after production stops and the same for the Oil on one graph. I can get them on separate graphs but need them together please

Are you able to get Gas Production and Forecast on one graph and Oil Production and Forecast on another Or did you mean Gas and Oil Production on one graph and their Forecasts on another

In the latter case, you may want to set up a new data table, which holds all dates ranging from current Gas/Oil Production dates to well into the future for the Forecast. This table could be used to connect both current and forecasted figures, and be displayed on the x-axis of the chart. A simple excelsheet would do the trick for this data table, which can be imported as embedded data table (after which you can start the data wrangling).

Kind regards,


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