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How to get FY values using filtering month

Siti Aishah Md Nor

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I have 2 KPI that is FY and Month. Both are reading filter of Country, Month and Category.

FY should be an average of a few months, but it is just reading the monthly chosen filter.

How can i make the calculation of FY using the filters available

Should i be usingLimit data using expression

Attached is a sample of my work.

Thank you

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I am not sure I understand your dxp. You have set up four different filtering schemes and three hierarchies.


Can you clarify the goal My tentative understanding:


- the FY KPI should show the average Value for the selected entire Fiscal Year but for the selected Region and Category.


- the second KPI should show the average Value for the selected Months and for the selected Region and Category.



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I cannot see a way of doing it, unless you maintain two separate filtering schemes, one for the FY and one for the month, but then the user interface would appear odd. An easier solution would be to always show a cross table with the average value per fiscal year and the total always displayed. Probably doable via IronPython. What tools do you have to use (e.g. IronPython, TERR) and how big is the dataset
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