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SDK CustomPanelExample BasicCustomPanelView not showing up in the web player

Jody Caldwell 2

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Hi, I have utilized the example CustomPanelView in the SDK since the comment in the source code suggested it would work in Analyst and the WebPlayer.


// You can choose whether to use the Forms based view or the Web-based that works in all Spotfire clients (recommended).

////registrar.Register(typeof(Control), typeof(BasicCustomPanel), typeof(BasicCustomPanelUI));

registrar.Register(typeof(CustomPanelView), typeof(BasicCustomPanel), typeof(BasicCustomPanelView));



public sealed class BasicCustomPanelView : CustomPanelView (etc)


I have deployed the package to the server, and verified that it is marked as "tibco spotfire any client". now I get the download and the view available in Analyst, but I do not see the menu option under View in the WebPlayer. Did I mis-understand the comment that this should be available there Or did I do something wrong

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


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