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Howto open a hyperlink from just one click on a graphical table values

Shweta Mishra

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You can do this by enabling the "Perform action on click" in the settings of the column, and using an Action Script.


Right click on your graphical table and select "Properties";

In the "Axes" tab, select the column you want, and click "Settings";

In the column settings window, select the "Actions" tab, and check the "Perform action on click" checkbox.

Then click on "Settings", and create an IronPython script.


Here below is an example of a script that opens the TIBCO website, you can adapt it to your needs :


import System



More info on Action scripts can be found at :


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Thanks for this quick reply!


My main focus is to write the ioronpython script. I had tried this. It is not working on webplayer.


Actually the requirement is to open a report by clicking on the values from graphical table.Depending on the values from graphical table different tabs will be opened in a new report (That I am handing by generating dynamic values in configuration block).




Only chalenge is to open this other report by single click only on the graphical atble.


So I am looking for the script to open a hyperlink by single click from webplayer .



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Note that when you execute an IronPython script on the Web Player, the script is executed on the Web Player server and not the client browser. You will need an HTML form based solution for your script to work on the Web Player.One possible solution is to use an HTML text area. Here are the steps to implement:


Add/Insert a new TextArea and name it "HTML" in your page.

Update your IronPython script to add the following, to generate a link:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import HtmlTextArea

dynamic.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent = "

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Thanks Manish for you reply!


I had tried it before. Still user has to click two times here.


1st time: to execute ironpython so that  link will be genrated


2nd time: to click on the link.


But the requireemnt is just to click once on the values  of graphical table to open a hyperlink/differenet report.

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You could implement the solution described in this article: https://spotfired.blogspot.com/2015/10/update-doc-property-trigger-ironpython.html.

It basically triggers a script upon change of a document property that is leveraged by an expression, marked rows, filtered rows, etc. When you create such a property using this data function method and connect your script to it, it should run once the property changes. And that would rebuild the hyperlink, making it possible to only click once to open the link.

Kind regards,


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