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Custom Connector for Spotfire® to read data from Google Sheets v23

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This Connector allows Spotfire® users to import data from Google Sheets, CSV and Excel Files located on Google Drive or Google Shared Drives.

This Connector allows Spotfire® users to import data from Google Sheets, CSV and Excel Files located on Google Drive or Google Shared Drives.

More details about custom connectors can be found in this article.

Release v23

Published: June 2024

This zip file contains versions, and of the
Custom Connector For Spotfire® To Read Data From Google Sheets 

Copyright (c) 2024 Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

v10.3.*.* is for Spotfire® 10.3 through 11.4
v11.5.*.* is for Spotfire® 11.5 through 11.8
v12.0.*.* is for Spotfire® 12 and newer

The build date is May 31st 2024.

Fixed: Fixed issue when one had column headers in some columns but other columns are empty on the Name Row. 
           Empty columns on the Name Row are Ignored and marked as ignored in the data panel view.
           Fixed issue with Authenticated Page in web - error should not occur and Ok button should work


Release v22

Published: August 2023

This zip file contains versions, and of the 
Custom Connector For Spotfire® To Read Data From Google Sheets 

v10.3.*.* is for Spotfire® 10.3 through 11.4
v11.5.*.* is for Spotfire® 11.5 through 11.8
v12.0.*.* is for Spotfire® 12.0 and newer

The build date is August 22nd 2023.

Fixed: Some previous versions of the 12.x build would not deploy onto Linux based Web Players and Automation Services.
       Only updated build process - no code changes.


August 8th 2023.  Build Number:, and

New: The user can now browse Google Drives for files in addition to searching.

Fixed: The Connector did not respect the locale settings for numbers such that numbers in which 
       commas (,) were used as decimal separators where not correctly displayed in the resulting
       analysis file.

Fixed: In previous versions, when columns were added to the file, the data was moved over 
       but column names were not. Now, if columns are added or removed from an existing 
       file and a user reloads the data without modifying the schema, the data is correctly loaded.  
       Missing columns have no data and a message is given that the user can edit the data source schema 
       to update the columns.  For new columns, a user can update the data schema but no message is given 
       because it is impossible to tell the difference between a new column and one which the user
       elected not to load.

Fixed: Issue where one has a Type Row but some columns do not have types.  An error would occur
       when the data selection page was trying to load the table schema.  
       Empty types default to String Type.

Fixed: Issues with column name rows when there are multiple ignored rows.  Column headers 
       could get in a state in which one had duplicate names in the column names header row.


May 3rd 2023.  Build Number: and and

New: Data selection for all file types tries to automatically determine column name and type rows.
     For Excel files, added option to treat "#N/A" as Empty cell when determining empty rows.


March 21st 2023.  Build Number: and and

New: File Search allows files other than just CSV and Excel to be found and used

New: Delimiter character can be specified to be other than comma when opening CSV files

Fixed: Numeric Real columns were becoming SingleReal columns in Spotfire thus rounding and truncating values.  

Breaking Change:  Existing tables with SingleReal columns can only be updated by replacing the table with the 
                  same table using the Replace Data steps.
Fixed: Now supports reading data from Excel Macro files (xlsm).

Fixed: Columns with duplicate names were lost when imported.  Duplicate names now have (#) appended to them.  
       Note: Columns must stay in the same position if the data is updated.


Sep 6th 2022.  Build Number: and and

Breaking Change: When upgrading to Spotfire 12, existing users must re-create any encrypted
                 Preferences.  Only existing users are affected by this change which is
                 required to enable Linux support.

Fixed: When importing data from a Google Sheet, if all values in a column are null or empty,
       the data type will default to String.  This is the same behavior as when importing 
       data from a CSV file.

New: The Connector can now be deployed on Web Player on Linux with Spotfire 12

Changed: Version numbering changed from x.y.0.z to x.y.z.0 to comply with corporate standards


February 9th 2022.  Build Number: and 

Fixed: Error reading CSV and Excel files from Google drive when running Automation Services job or Scheduled Updates 
        which use a Google service account and data source credentials profile.

Enhanced: Added better error handling for issues that occur when loading CSV and Excel files from Google drive.        


December 21st 2021.  Build Number: and 

Fixed: Error when installing the Connector on Spotfire 11.6


August 20th 2021.  Build Number: and

Breaking Change: The preferences required to use the connector are now configured via a custom
                 tool with the option to encrypt the settings to prevent the ClientID and
                 ClientSecret values being visible in plain text.  Any existing deployments
                 must be updated using the custom tool before use.

Breaking Change: The internal name of the adapter has changed to conform with corporate standards.
                 Any previously saved DXP's will need to be updated before they will work with
                 this version.


March 19th 2020.  Build Number:

Initial Release

This version is for Spotfire 10.3 and newer.

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