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Image Reader Mod for Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio 1.0.0

2 Screenshots


This offering consists of a custom mod that provides the ability to read images using Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio. The mod allows users to read images from a cluster using a no-code UI.


The Image Reader MOD for Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio allows users to read images from a cluster using Apache Spark in the backend. 

This ability is particularly useful for manipulating image data and building Computer Vision models using the Team Studio platform. 

The output of the mod will be several metadata columns and a data column containing a string of comma separated pixels.

If you want to start using Mod/Custom operator in Team Studio environment, please follow this Knowledge Base article for installation guidelines.

If you are interested in more image processing features, please check Image Processing Mods component.


Release 1.0.0

Published: August 2020

Initial release 


  • jar file (mod/custom operator library)
  • documentation

Release 1.0.1

Published: May 2021

Please, visit the page below where Image Reader Mod is included also inside the offering of more image processing Mods in one package.

Changes to previous version of Image Reader Mod:

  • Icon of the operator changed

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