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Simple Decline Curve Analysis Data Function for Spotfire® Release 1.5

2 Screenshots


This Data Function calculates a Hyperbolic Decline Curve Analysis using production oil and gas data.


This Data Function calculates a Hyperbolic Decline Curve Analysis using production oil and gas data.  Decline curve analysis (DCA) is a graphical procedure used for analyzing declining production rates and forecasting the future performance of oil and gas wells.  Fitting a line through the performance history and assuming this same trend will continue in the future forms the basis of DCA concept.  You can either use this data function in your own .dxp or perform the analysis with your data in the included .dxp template.  

Decline curve analysis (DCA) is a graphical procedure used for analyzing declining production rates and forecasting future performance of oil and gas wells.


More information about DCA data function can be found here.


Installing the data function

Follow the online guide available here to register a data function in Spotfire.


Configuring the data function

Each data function may require inputs from the Spotfire analysis and will return outputs to the Spotfire analysis. For each data function, these need to be configured once the data function is registered. To learn about how to configure data functions in Spotfire please view this video:

For more information on Spotfire visit the Spotfire training page.


Data function library

There exists a large number of data functions covering various features. Feel free to review what is available on the Data Function Library.


Release v1.2

Published: July 2016

Initial Release

Release v1.3

Published: August 2016

Improved Well ID selection on map in .dxp.  Map marker now by ID column so when you click on a marker you get all the points

Release v1.4

Published: September 2016

Simplified example data in .dxp

Release v1.5

Published: September 2016

In the .dxp, document property names now match data function output names for the curve fit coefficients.  

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