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  • Uniquely identify Spotfire visuals in integration tests

    This article explains how to uniquely identify Spotfire visuals in integration tests

    During the development of complex Spotfire applications and dashboards with Spotfire, it's very helpful to be able to perform automated testing to make sure that functionality and appearance continue to work as expected. There are several web application testing tools available on the market. For example, Selenium and Cypress, to name a few. 

    When writing automated tests for Spotfire dashboards, it is very common that you need to identify visuals on a page. Prior to TIBCO Spotfire® 10.7 there has been no official support for this. Various techniques have been used, all suffering from limitations in that they are hard to use and more or less unstable between Spotfire versions and sometimes even between test sessions. This has now been addressed in TIBCO Spotfire® 10.7, where every visual now has a unique attribute, sf-visual-id, in the DOM element corresponding to the visual.


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