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  • Streaming Analytics using Spotfire® Streaming 10.x


    • This is a set of presentation slide decks and hands-on lab exercises that supports a live instructor-based class. The decks may also be read on their own.
    • Videos, where available, go through the presentation decks with a recorded audio narration elaborating the slide content.
    • On occasion, there is a video that is supplemental information, such as the Dr. Streaming "Operationalizing your models" video.  The content in this video is closely related to the slides for the unit, but the video content does not follow the slides.
    • This course assumes no prior familiarity with Streaming Analytics, Event Processing, or StreamBase; rather it intends to present information to allow the user to build a System of Insight using StreamBase 10.
    • This material created and tested using StreamBase 10.2.0, Live Datamart 10.2.0 and LiveView Web 1.3.1.
      • The lab files will work in more recent versions of Spotfire® Streaming and will update automatically on import; just agree to that if asked.
      • LogData_sample.csv is required for the Schemas lab.  This file is enclosed in the LogData_sample.csv.zip file.  You need to extract the csv file from the zip to execute the lab.
      • SampleModel.Rdata is required for the TERR lab.  This file is enclosed in the SampleModel.Rdata.zip file.  You need to extract the Rdata file from the zip to execute the lab.


    • Knowledge of Computer Programming in some high-level language, such as Python or Java
    • Relational tables (helpful)
    • Elementary statistical functions (optional)
    • High-level predictive modelling concepts (optional)
    • Apache Maven (helpful, but not strictly required)

    Tutorial Outline and Materials 


    (Download Files From Resources)


    Hands-On Lab Steps
    (Download Files From Resources)

    Lab Files
    (Download Files From Resources)

    Introduction Use Cases Streaming Analytic Use Cases N/A N/A
    Spotfire® Streaming Analytics Architecture Overview StreamingAnalyticsArchitectureOverview Streaming Analytics Architectural Overview N/A N/A
    StreamBase Studio and EventFlow Basics StreamBaseStudioAndEventFlowBasics

    Studio and EventFlow Basics Part 1

    Studio and EventFlow Basics Part 2

    Schemas Lab

    Ingest Phase IngestionBasics

    Ingestion Basics Part 1 of 3

    Ingestion Basics Part 2 of 3

    Ingestion Basics Part 3 of 3

    CoreIngestionOperatorsLab N/A
    Running (Manual Input), Test, Debug in StreamBase Studio ManualRunTestDebug

    Manual Input, Test, Debug Part 1

    Manual Input, Test, Debug Part 2

    Manual Input Lab N/A
    Connect (Streaming Sources of Data) Connect

    Connecting to Streaming Data Sources, Part 1

    Connecting to Streaming Data Sources, Part 2

    Connecting to Streaming Data Sources, Part 3

    FeedSim Lab

    Aggregating Data


    Binning data via the Aggregate Operator, Part 1

    Binning data via the Aggregate Operator, Part 2

    Aggregating Data Lab N/A
    Query Table and Query Table Operator Query Operator and Query Table

    Query Table and Query Operator, Part 1

    Query Table and Query Operator, Part 2

    Query Table and Query Operator, Part 3

    Query Table Lab N/A
    Execution Order (How Tuples Flow) Execution Order Rules (1-4) Execution Order Rules 1-4 N/A N/A
    Dynamic Variables Dynamic Variables Dynamic Variables N/A N/A


    Tuple Data Type

    Tuples and Lists Using Tuples Lab XMLTupleListIterate.zip
    Models in a System of Insight TERR Operationalize your Models (Dr. Streaming) TERR Lab



    Decision Tables and Artifact Management Server (AMS) DecisionTables_AMS   DT_AMS_lab N/A
    Introduction to Live Datamart Live Datamart Intro and Overview Introduction to Live Datamart N/A N/A
    Building Live Datamart Applications Building LiveView Applications Building LiveView Applications Unit 2 Lab N/A
    Populating Live Datamart Tables Populating Tables Populating LiveView Tables

    Unit 3 Lab

    Unit 3 Lab for 10.6.1 only



    Visualizing Live, Streaming Data Visualizing Streaming Data Visualizing Live, Streaming Data Unit 4 Lab VisualizingLabFile
    Aggregating Live Datamart Data Aggregating Live Datamart Data Aggregation in Live Datamart Unit 5_Lab AggregatingLDMdataLabFile
    Taking Action on your Insights Alerts & Table Actions Live Datamart Alerts and Table Actions Unit6_1.3_Lab AlertsAndActionsLabFile
    Supplemental unit specific to formatting in LiveView Web
    Formatting Live Data in a Variety of Charts
    (Download Files From Resources)
     Charts & Formatting in LiveView Web Visualization Configuration and Data Formatting in LiveView Web Unit 7_1.3_Lab FormattingLabFile





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