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  • Use IronPython to Set a Custom Sort Order in Spotfire®

    Spotfire® has the ability to set custom sort orders - that is whereby the values in a column can be ordered other than the natural string order or numerical order. It's often useful to be able to set a custom sort order using code - that way, you can algorithmically decide the sort order - for example, to deal with values that are not known at design or authoring time.


    Spotfire® has the ability to set custom sort orders - that is whereby the values in a column can be ordered other than the natural string order or numerical order. It's often useful to be able to set a custom sort order using code - that way, you can algorithmically decide the sort order - for example, to deal with values that are not known at design or authoring time.

    Here are some examples for setting a custom sort order using IronPython.

    Reverse Date Sort Order

    The below script uses a custom sort order to reverse the normal sorting of a date column.

    # Copyright © 2017. TIBCO Software Inc.  Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license.
    from System.Reflection import Assembly 
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Collections import *
    from System.Runtime.Serialization import ISerializable
    from System.Collections import IComparer
    from System.Collections.Generic import IComparer
    values = Document.Data.Tables['MY_DATA_TABLE'].Columns['DATE'].RowValues.GetEnumerator()
    myValues = []
    for val in values:



    License:  TIBCO BSD-Style License



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