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  • How to tag marked rows in Spotfire® using IronPython Scripting

    This article explains how to tag marked rows in Spotfire® using IronPython Scripting


    This article demonstrates how to tag marked rows

    Code Sample

    # Copyright © 2017. TIBCO Software Inc. Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license.
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataColumn, TagsColumn
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataPropertyClass, DataType, DataValueCursor, IDataColumn, IndexSet
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import RowSelection 
    # Tag the marked rows
    markedRowSelection = Document.ActiveMarkingSelectionReference.GetSelection(Document.ActiveDataTableReference)
    table = Document.ActiveDataTableReference
    #Get handle to the required column and typecast it to a tagcolumn
    myTagColumn = table.Columns.Item["GROUP"].As[TagsColumn]()
    selectRows = IndexSet(table.RowCount, True)
    #Loop through the tag list and add the tagged/nontagged rows
    tags =  myTagColumn.TagValues
    for t in tags:
      if t == 'Tag 1':
      	myTagColumn.Tag(t, RowSelection(selectRows))
      if t == 'Tag 2':
      	myTagColumn.Tag(t, markedRowSelection)


    License:  TIBCO BSD-Style License

    Back to IronPython Scripting in TIBCO Spotfire Examples:  https://community.spotfire.com/s/article/IronPython-Scripting-in-Spotfire



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