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    Visual Analytics - Spotfire

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  1. This is awesome. Thank you so much for the help!
  2. @Jose Leviaguirre Yes! This is exactly it, thank you so much! Is there a way I can change the look of the icon, or sub that icon out for a different one?
  3. I'm not needing to send any PDFs/other attachments, I just need to see if there's any type of script that exists for clicking a simple button/icon and it generates an Outlook email that they can fill out and send on their own. This email would be sent to myself and would have a pre-created subject, and part of the body saying something like: "Hi, I have a question about this Spotfire guide:"
  4. @David Boot-Olazabal Thank you for the reply! I can do javascript or IronPython. I have ability to choose the 2.0 and 2.7 versions on my system.
  5. Hello, Curious to know if there is a basic javascript that can be imported to accommodate for 2 things- icons and emailing ability. I saw a tutorial for basic scripting for creating a fold out panel (tutorial page is attached), but I was most interested in the ability to add icons and click an icon to generate an Outlook email with a pre-completed destination, subject, and body message. The red highlighted box shows the icon and when this button is clicked, it creates a half-created email. I could have copied the existing javascript that was in the DXP file, but most of it seemed to be accordion/fold out panel related and I only would like to know how to import cool clickable icons and the ability to create an email. On a side note- is there any great places or suggestions for beginners to find javascript/IronPython material to learn how to do these things? Thank you!
  6. Thank you so much Niko, I was able to get it to work!
  7. @Niko Maresco Thank you for the helpful step-by-step! I have 2 questions.... first one- this visual is actually a scatterplot, so I substituted all the "Bar Charts" w/"Scatter plot". Unfortunately this didn't work, but maybe I'm not naming the scatter plot function correctly. Second question- I noticed your version of IronPython was 3.4, and I only have options for 2.0 and 2.7. Is this causing any issues?
  8. Good morning, Does anyone know of a way that I can add a checkbox to a Text Area to make it an option for users to reverse the Y-Axis scale without having to open the Properties of the visual? Thanks!
  9. @Glenn Hoskins would you by chance have any insight to the coloring feature? I'm now having issues with the coloring in the mod. Can't get coloring to show.
  10. Thanks for the reply! I'm not the most savvy with Python or IronPython, but I can work with this and give it a try. I might have the same problem as you with GPT- it's not free to use so this might backfire on me completely. I tried to open your dxp file and for some reason received an error when trying to open it.
  11. Hi @Niko Maresco , Thanks for the reply! Yes, I am only looking for a summarized version of some commentary fields. I have a column meant for comments (free text) and I also have the day broken down in hours/couple hour intervals and I'd like to summarize all the activity comments for all hour rows in a day. Not trying to concatenate, but just a summary.
  12. Does anyone know if there is currently an option/ability in Spotfire for a Mod or some script that could summarize 1 column with multiple rows? I have a data table that consists of daily activity and I'd like to summarize all the "Comments" column for a specific day into a paragraph, if it's possible. Thank you for the help!
  13. I've been trying to troubleshoot why only half of my data responds to the wellbore diagram and still can't figure out what is causing the issue. Here's my console log, hoping it will point to a solution.
  14. The original well works and it looks like a variety of other wells work too, but it's a 50-50 chance that the well will display. I'll have to look through the data and investigate. Looks like all rows are coming in for the wells that don't appear and none appear to be missing MD or TVD values. It's very strange.
  15. Okay no problem, that all sounds good and I can certainly handle that. Unfortunately I went to select other wells to make sure the wellbore was coming through and left everything as it was and now I cannot see the wellbore for other wells. Here's the console error code log and my visual-
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