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  1. Thanks David, its is a good workaround. Although in my case since category axis is set to column names such that multiple metrics can be added in the value axis. So, when I set color to Categorical mode and appearance to per categorical color effect of waterfall to show metrics as step up and cumulative addition is not showing up.
  2. Thanks David for your feedback and suggestion! However, the management requirement is to display RFF on the same plane with other metrics (derived as custom expression on the value axis and not category axis). The purpose is to compare Visibility, CP Risk, various confidence intervals with RFF visually at one glance. Thanks!
  3. I have this waterfall chart as below where various metrics are shown starting from Visibility. RFF is a target value here and should be shown separately and not add up to rest of metrics. How can we achieve that in the same chart? I am using below custom expression in the Value axis. Expression Sum([Visibility W1 USD]) as [Visibility USD], Sum([CP Risk W1]) as [CP Risk USD], Sum([Conf Level>80% W1]) as [Conf Level>80%], Sum([Conf Level60%-80% W1]) as [Conf Level60%-80%], Sum([Conf Level40%-50% W1]) as [Conf Level40%-50%], Sum([Conf Level<40% W1]) as [Conf Level<40%], Sum([RFF]) as [RFF]
  4. Terrific! It worked Vanessa with tiny tweak (as I alias X axis as Week). Here is the final expression: Sum([Sales Net Net USD CKF]) THEN If([X.Week]<='${Snapshotweek1}',Sum([Value]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])),null) Thank you so much Vanessa for quick guidance!
  5. Hi Olivier, no it says the error: Could not find function 'AllPrevious'. This error can only be removed by adding THEN keyword with Sum([Value]) expression.
  6. Here is the expression that I am working with: Sum(if([Cal Week (Sales)]<='${Snapshotweek1}',[Sales Net Net USD CKF])) then Sum([Value]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) AS [Cummulative Sales Net Net USD] Issue is it is showing cumulative values even for the future weeks (it should show until week 202428 only). Current week is defined by the document property parameter ${Snapshotweek1}. I am using external database connection type here. Please advise how can I edit this expression in order to limit displaying cumulative value until snapshot week 202428 only and target line until 202439 as is.
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