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  1. I have a dev environment of spotfire, I want to enable Caching but i'm want caching as soon as somebody saves the dxp file. Eg. Somebody opened DXP file > Edited it> Save it, as soon as it is saved it should re-cache it... Thankyou for giving your valuable time Regards, Pratik Pathak
  2. Hi @barchiel33, thanks for replying, yes the titles (keyword in the name of csv file) are like flag. I have to apply this transformation at time of loading data. i have used little bit of IronPython. Once again, thanks for helping me out.
  3. Hi @barchiel33, my csv is loaded in data source panel. I'm still little confused, lemme explain with an example, if in the name of csv file contains "DateFilter" keyword then only it should apply the transformation "[Date] !=01012024", if it does not contain this keyword then this transformation should be skipped. I'm Unsure about how and where to place ironPython script, would you please tell me with a sample code.
  4. I have created one template in Spotfire, Based on the name of the csv file i have to apply some transformation. I would like to ask is there any way I can automate this step, it should check the name of the file and then based on these name it should apply transformation. Thankyou and regards, Pratik Pathak
  5. Hi everyone, I'm new to spotfire, Recently I have run into an issue where i have to "calculate and replace column" dynamically i.e. based on environment variable/Document properties. I know I can apply transformation but I wanted to know How i can apply some condition and based on the condition apply different expression to create new column. Thankyou and regards, Pratik Pathak
  6. Not Yet, Would you please explain how I can achieve this task using Rank/Denserank
  7. Hi, I'm trying to find second maximum using custom expression, i know max([timeperiod]) gives maximum value from timeperiod, my question is how can i get Second maximum value using expression? best regards, Pratik Pathak
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