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Prateek Rawat 3

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  1. Hi all, I want to iterate through the values of region column in the outer loop and then through country column in an inner loop(to basically read the countries within a region) and then for each combination of region and countries I want to export visuals to ppt or pdf. Can anyone help me with the code snippet for looping through values of two cascaded columns? Regards, Prateek
  2. This script exports one visual per slide, is it possible to export the active page in one slide?
  3. Hi All, In a dashboard page there are two drop downs region and country which have multiple values, requirement is to generate a ppt with slides for each combination of region and country dynamically. On single click of a button is it possible to export the page to ppt with different slides for each combination of region and country?
  4. Hi All, I the below line chart for current filter selection the max date is Dec 2017 y-axis expression = UniqueCount(If([DATE.]<=DateTimeNow(),[Val])) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) X-axis = <BinByDateTime([DATE.],"Year.Quarter.Month",2)> Requirement is to display date in x-axis until 30-JUN-2024 and the data points should also be generated until 30-JUN-2024, but the value should remain 73. Is this possible to achieve in Spotfire?
  5. Hi All, I have a scenario where I want to set the zoom slider to latest year as of now below is the default view of the line-chart: when someone opens the analysis they should be able to see below view by default: How can this be achieved? Regards, Prateek
  6. Hi Jose, I have a scenario where I want to set the zoom slider to latest year: as of now this is the default view of the linechart. when someone opens the analysis they should be able to see below view by default: How can I tweak above scripts to achieve this? Regards, Prateek
  7. How can I fetch the properties such as marking used, limit data using marking name, limit data using filtering, limit data by expression etc in a bar graph using ironpython? I am basically trying to write a script that will help in reducing the efforts spent while creating a technical documentation for a dashboard.
  8. HI David, Thanks for the response, The filters I am using are not property controls but list box filters, so I cannot use the approaches mentioned above. Generally, cascading will happen automatically in case of list box filters, but in my case these are from 2 different filtering schemes. Regards, Prateek
  9. I have a text area which contains two filters A and B, both are from 2 different filtering schemes and hence if I select something in Filter A it does not impact filter B and vice versa. Is it possible to cascade these filters without filtering the respective visualizations?
  10. Thank you Fredrik, Yes I figured out a way to handle those values. Regards, Prateek
  11. Hi All, Is it possible to remove "All other options" and :"Empty" from color by legend of a visualization? Please refer to the below screenshot. Regards, Prateek
  12. Hi Fredrik, We have upgraded to Spotfire 14.0 LTS and I tried to export hyper links to excel but it did not work. Is there any work around or any specific configuration for this? Regards, Prateek
  13. Hi All, I have created a Tachometer using custom JavaScript in my dashboard. Issue is when I am trying to export it to pdf, it always shows the needle at 0 rather than the actual value that is 30% in the chart. Has anybody faced a similar issue? Regards, Prateek
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