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Fabian Duerr

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  1. Thanks for the clarification Ahmad. It's more about the second option (no cloud solution). The current speed of development in LLM is breath taking. It's probably just a matter of time until some open source models (like MPT-7B, Falcon etc) deliver very good results. It would be great if Tibco could provide finetuned open source models for Spotfire in the future (for scripting, data functions and so on) It is a very exciting development. I'm looking forward to learn more about the copilot.
  2. What if I don't want to or if I simply can't share my data with any outside organization like OpenAI / Microsoft? Do you plan a local deployment of the copilot in the future, too? Or do we have to wait until ChatGPT can be deployed locally?
  3. Please check some available tutorials on how you can change filters with IronPython scripts: https://spotfired.blogspot.com/2014/03/change-filters-programatically.html
  4. Your settings ("Side-by-side-bars") are correct. It should display differently. Can you upload a file with some sample data so that we can verify this problem?
  5. To limit data only in certain visualizations I suggest to work with data limiting expressions. You can find this option in the properties of your visualization under "Data". A data limiting must always evaluate to TRUE or FALSE (boolean) For the last three quarters you could use: (YEAR(Max([DATE])) - YEAR([DATE]))*4 + (QUARTER(Max([DATE])) - QUARTER([DATE])) < 3For the last three months you would use: (YEAR(Max([DATE])) - YEAR([DATE]))*12 + (MONTH(Max([DATE])) - MONTH([DATE])) < 3Here, [DATE] is your date column If the reference date is not the last date in your dataset but today then replace Max([DATE]) with Today()
  6. Edit the text area and make sure that you have two filters within one line (without a line break). Also make sure that the width of the text area is large enough to fit both filters. To ensure that the width of the text area is maintained for various window sizes and resolution, please lock the visualization area (Visualizations -> Arrange Vis.-> Lock Vis. Area)
  7. In addition to the previous answers, if you want to enable/disable the EDIT button in the Web Player follow these instructions: https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-enable-disable-the-EDIT-button-in-Web-Player
  8. Create a simple TERR data function that takes your filtered [Method] column as input (m). The function should return if 'ABC' is not found in the input. So the result will be either the value TRUE or FALSE. Store this boolean value to a document property (not.ABC) and make sure that your TERR function runs automatically. not.ABC
  9. It is not clear how you data is set up. Are you plotting two columns or just one column You could probably work with an additional value on the y-axis using wome If() statement and Max() calculation. Or you use a document property or caclulated column to store the max value and then display this porperty or column as horizontal line. Like Gaia said, please clarify your request and maybe provide some data for further help.
  10. A calculated column will always use all rows from a data table for the calculations. Only in visualizations you can select what values should be used for the calculation. Also the input to any data function can be limited to filtered values. I'm not 100% clear of what you want to achieve. But maybe a cross table could be helpful. You can also add a small dxp file to better show what you want to do.
  11. Use a combination of the DateDiff('day', ) and DateTimeNow() function and wrap it into Floor() or Ceiling() function. Something like: Floor(DateDiff('day', DateTimeNow(), [End_Time]))This should result in 0,1,2,3,4... Use this in the Intersect() part of your calculated column If you want to refresh the calculation at any time then it is better to store the DateTimeNow() into a document property. You can do this with a simple IronPython script or TERR data function. Add a button to your analysis to recalcualte this Doc Prop any time so that your calculated column or expression will refresh.
  12. Hi Yann, please embedd the data next time instead of attaching all supporting files. And try to keep the files as simple as possible. (Remove columns that are not needed to understand the problem) Attached is the solution. You can change what columns should be used be used for the final table in the "edit parameter" menu. Browse the Wiki in the tibco community and YouTube to learn more about how data functions work. new_table
  13. Hi Yann, please embedd the data next time instead of attaching all supporting files. And try to keep the files as simple as possible. (Remove columns that are not needed to understand the problem) Attached is the solution. You can change what columns should be used be used for the final table in the "edit parameter" menu. Browse the Wiki in the tibco community and YouTube to learn more about how data functions work. new_table
  14. Please try the LastValidBefore() function. It substitutes null values in a column with the last valid value before the missing value. PS: There is also a FirstValidAfter() function
  15. Does every row need its own 8 hour binning If yes, should the start time of the row be the origin or what other time If no, what would we to origin (date and time) for the binning Are your time stamps always this exact or can you have something like 31/05/2022 06:53 How big is the time range of your table Don't simplify your example too much, otherwise you might get a solution that will not scale ;) Depending on your answers there might be a chance to solve this with a separate table + join or with a data function.
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