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Jon Orth 2

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  1. Jose, I'm interested in learning about the internals of the application but am unsure how to proceed past a style element already declared error when the Java Script runs. In the meantime, I will probably just proceed with document properties as those are resizable without the risks that you mention.
  2. Is there any way to increase the size of a filter's font in a text area? I thought this could be accomplished under canvas styling but the Visualizations General setting seems to have no impact on the filters in the filter panel or in text areas.
  3. Hi David, This is happening specifically in Map visualizations and hasn't been observed in line charts and has been observed in LTS version 14.0.2. I've attached a snaggit video of the behavior. As I scroll across the sticks, many of them don't highlight. After scrolling across once I'm attempting to Click, drag cursor, and release to select well objects. A bit less than half of this action actually select well sticks. We've had to hover over an individual stick for up to five seconds before being able to select it. Best regards, Jon. Stick selection.mp4
  4. Has anyone else noticed that the Spotfire map visualizations are fairly unresponsive trying to select line objects like well sticks? Other items like polygons and points are easily selected instantly. With line objects, I have to hover over the line for a long time to select them, lassoing or selecting multiples will either fail or not pick all of the lines within the selection tool on the first attempt. This seems to be a problem even with under a hundred sticks while more than a hundred polygons stay pretty responsive.
  5. The output of that additional code is perfect. Thank you so much for your help.
  6. Good morning, I'm fighting a problem with the shapely polygon function in a python script generating invalid geometry polygon objects from a list of coordinate points within Spotfire. The attached file has a sample data set of X,Y coordinates and a script that creates a Voronoi tesselation, sorts and QC's the results and then generates polygon objects. This same code works correctly in Jupyter Notebooks. I've gone as far as taking the Python packages from the directory where Jupyter calls them and moving them into the Spotfire location so I don't think it's package related. The issue with the polygons generated is that every other one seems to swap the x and y coordinates in the extents (XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax) while the XCenter and YCenter stay correct. So alternating polygons generated are valid or not valid. I'm at a loss for what to do except take this function outside of Spotfire but would appreciate any other suggestions. Best regards, Jon Orth. SubseaVoronoiPortalOption.dxp
  7. Has anyone downloaded this and gotten the surfaces to work? I put something similar together to show wellbore trajectories and formation boundaries in a 2D scatter but this mod would be extremely helpful for our users who like the 3D scatter visualization.
  8. That worked with the box unchecked. Thanks!
  9. To clarify, this option is already checked on the data table. I would like to have a script linked button to refresh that table and let the user make another selection but the window won't appear and it just reloads regardless of whether that is checked or not.
  10. I have an information link that uses a prompt to select a smaller set of data and am trying to get it to refresh and bring up the prompt to make the selection using Iron Python. Refreshing all data or refreshing the individual table never brings up the prompt from the information link. Is there another method that I need to use for this?
  11. Is there a way to get the position of the left and right zoom sliders for the X-Axis using Iron Python I'm attempting to do this and save the results to document properties.
  12. I have a bar chart with two number values on the y axis that have an integer set as a category on the x axis. I'm trying to trellis by a binned integer and getting a huge amount of blank space. Trellis includes an empty bin and blank categories on the x axis. Is there a way to hide any of this blank space I've tried using filtering out empties in the integer column as well as data limiting to where the trellis variable or the x axis is not NULL but nothing seems to get rid of the empty values.
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