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Peter McKinnis

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  1. Mahesh, We resolved the issue a while ago. I would recommend looking at the Snowflake Configuring the JDBC Driver documentation. If you look at the "Private key file name and password in connection string" section, you can use this pattern to set the Connection URL in Spotfire Information Services Data Source creation. Example: jdbc:snowflake://mysnowflakedb.snowflake.com/?private_key_file=/tmp/rsa_key.p8&private_key_file_pwd=mypassword The key pair file properties only need to be set in the connection url. The Spotfire data source template does not need any connection-properties set in it. Regards, Peter
  2. Tousif, You could try an earlier version of Spotfire Analyst, but since you have the 14+ SDK installed I don't know if there would be any API changes that would affect debugging the examples. I would think that there could be a few but probably not many API changes. Regards, Peter
  3. Tousif, Going back to the original documentation that you are following - Creating an extension using only Visual Studio - is there a step in here that you are getting stuck on? Do you have everything configured, but you still don't see the examples in the Spotfire Analyst that you have compiled? I am trying to understand better what your issue is so any more description and screenshots would probably be helpful. Regards, Peter
  4. Tousif, You will need a copy of Analyst installed in order to run the samples as you need to have all the other base modules. The SDK only has the tools for building and testing, but one needs a Spotfire Analyst installed so the SDK can use the default modules directory to get the rest of the Analyst functionality. Regards, Peter
  5. Mahesh, I am not sure how detailed an example you need. As documented, the first step is to register an api client. Example: config register-api-client --name="LibaryRESTAPIClient" -Sapi.library.write -Sapi.library.read This will return a Client ID and Client Secret which you can use in any tool that supports REST API testing. You can also use it in the Swagger UI that Spotfire provides: http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/spotfire/api/swagger-ui.html?urls.primaryName=library-v2 Spotfire provides an Open API Specification (OAS) JSON endpoint which can be used to create client stubs. You can find tools on the web to convert the OAS into client stubs for various programming languages. The OAS JSON is available at this URL: http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/spotfire/api/v2/api-docs?group=library-v2 As I mentioned previously, using the "info" service path will tell you what is supported for the upload and download of Library items. This endpoint can be run on the Swagger UI. After getting the client id and client secret, one calls the token endpoint to get the access token. Here is an example using the command line curl program: curl -k --data "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=api.library.write api.library.read" -u <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>:<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET> -H 'Accept:application/json' http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/spotfire/oauth2/token After one gets the token, the token can be passed to the various service paths. This example show curl calling the "info" service path with the token in a TOKEN environment variable: curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --url http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/spotfire/api/rest/library/v2/info Hopefully, this is enough information to get you started. From here, you can call other service paths to get other information, e.g. search the library, update items in the library, download and upload, etc. Regards, Peter
  6. Mahesh, Yes, one could use the Library REST API v2 to download and upload between environments as a CI/CD process. I would recommend calling the Get information about the Library endpoint first as the return LibraryInfo object contains objects UploadInfo and DownloadInfo that list which Library Item Types are supported for upload and download. One should be able to build a UI either within Spotfire or using some other method. A tool on the command line might be a good place to start since one can figure out all the information required and any other services that may be needed. Regards, Peter
  7. Tousif, I was able to build the example using Visual Studio 2022. I am thinking based on your error message that you need a more recent version of Visual Studio. See this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74847918/msbuild-version Hope this helps. Peter
  8. Andrew, The signing certificate needs to be updated in the packages. We are working on a new release that will fix the certificate issue and some other issues. We will let you know when it is released. We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing. Thanks, Peter
  9. Sirisha, @Sirisha Kurella You may have already figured this out, but the compression and decompression of the Spotfire Library occurs over time. This means that changing the setting on the server to not compress the items does not immediately decompress all the items in the Library. As mentioned in the Spotfire Library introduction, "If you disable library compression, then compressed items in the library are uncompressed in the background over time." Basically, it will take time for the LIB_Data column to decompress. I also think select statement mentioned in earlier posts is not syntactically correct. There are too many closing parentheses. Only one closing parenthesis is needed after the 1 and 2001. I am also not sure why you need to concatenate. I would read the entire column in order to get the entire XML. Select DATA_ID as ID, dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,1) || dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,2001) as data_string from LIB_DATA Regards, Peter
  10. Mithun, According to the Java stacktrace in the log file which you provided via email, the Snowflake JDBC driver is rejecting the connection string: -------- Caused by: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Connection string is invalid. Unable to parse. at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver.connect(SnowflakeDriver.java:185) ~[snowflake-jdbc-3.14.2.jar:3.14.2] --------- I suggest the following changes: (1) Remove the <connection-property> with the rsa_key_unencrypted.p8 from the data source template. rsa_key_unencrypted.p8 is not a valid property for the Snowflake driver. (2) Based on searching the web, I always see examples of the Snowflake private key including private_key_file and private_key_file_pwd in the connection string. You can check with Snowflake to see if both are required or not. (3) Recommend using a unix path separator since Java will be parsing the path, e.g. E:/tibco/tss/12.0.9/tomcat/certs/rsa_key_unencrypted.p8, again Snowflake should tell you what the driver is expecting. Since the error is coming from the Snowflake driver, Snowflake should be able to guide you on what is expected by the JDBC driver. Regards, Peter P.S. I sent the above information to you in an email too last week and not sure if you received it or not.
  11. Sirisha, The error is probably because the library data is compressed since Spotfire 12.0, such that the LIB_DATA needs to be decompressed before the XML can be read. I don't know the Oracle command to unzip the Lib_data column, but before the column can be treated as XML in the query it will need to be decompressed. Regards, Peter
  12. Deven, Typically, in this case, you would configure Spotfire for OpenID authentication using auth0 as the provider, and then, since the web applications are using the same provider, the user is not prompted again for their credentials (assuming corporate policy allows this). A specific URL in Spotfire is not required in this case. From your question, I don't know if Spotfire is embedded in the web application or not. If it is, then I would recommend looking at the JavaScript API: New Capabilities in Spotfire 12.0 (assuming you are running Spotfire 12.0 or greater). Regards, Peter
  13. Luke, Using the Spotfire Analyst API one can create a custom data source. See the Spotfire Community article Create a Custom Data Source for details and examples. The Spotfire SDK does not support creating a custom data connector at this time. Regards, Peter
  14. Lawrence, I am glad you were able to revolve the issue. Thank you for sharing your findings. This information will be helpful for other users. Peter
  15. Lawrence, Do you know if HTTP calls out of the Web Player server are restricted? Oftentimes, servers are locked down and are not allowed to make HTTP calls to other machines. The Microsoft Graph API is used to get the SharePoint information and the Web Player connects to it via an HTTP web call. Are you able to check what the restrictions are on the Web Player? Based on the "access denied" error, a proxy or other network device could be stopping HTTP calls to the Graph API. Those calls may need to be whitelisted. Peter
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