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How can I compare one selected product to the other products in a cross table

Manu Lo

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I am trying to set up a visualisation where I can show a global view of the storelocations sales of one product and compare that amount to the other product revenues for each locationstores and see the relation between the different products.

Example :

Product A %Comparison to Product B %Comparison to Product C %Comparison to Product D

Location 1

Location 2

Location 3

Location 4


If I select product A, I want to see at a glance, the salesfor every location and compare the sales amount to the ones of every other product sales number(B, C, D, E).

I have used a cross table and managed to select one product but I have no clue of how compare the sales of that product to the other products, foreach location.

Has anyone done this or something very similar before Any thoughts

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This might not be the perfect solution for you bur maybe a possible workaroud...

Create a new table with a pivot operation that results in table with 1st column [LOCATIONS] and other columns your products and the cells should contain the sum of all values for this product.

Now you can normalize your data by dividing all columns by the reference column. If you want this to be more interactivecreate a document property that stores your column selection and use it in the calculated column instead of a fixed input.

Maybe someone comes up with a cross table solution one day. But in the meanwhile this should do the job.

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Thank you for your reply. What do you mean by "normalize your data by dividing all columns by the reference column". When I divide all columns by the reference column, only the column where the reference column is shows the percentage (product A). The other columns are empty.





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