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Issue: Web Player instance in TIBCO Spotfire 10.10.1 (and 10.10.2)

DISABLED Joao Amaral

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After upgrading TIBCO Spotfire from 7.12 to 10.10.1 we have issues to start the Web Player Instances.

The instances don't start with the new packages (10.10.0 or 10.10.1). Only works when i do an rollback with the packages to 7.12.

I tried adding this into theSpotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config (in the Server Configand in the Instance in the node manager):



But we still have the same issue:

Details:Status notified as FAILED. Exited while initializing. Recent Logs:




TIBCO Spotfire Node Service TIBCO Spotfire 10.10.1 LTS Build version:


Build date: 04/09/2020 2007-2020 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved.




10/19/2020 11:50:58 - 3702fbb1-543d-450a-b5f1-3ade91fbefa3 Starting service application. ServiceInstanceId = 3702fbb1-543d-450a-b5f1-3ade91fbefa3, ShortId = sfsCNz1UCkW18Trekfvvow .


10/19/2020 11:50:58 - 3702fbb1-543d-450a-b5f1-3ade91fbefa3 Starting worker instance in D:tibcotsnm10.10.2nmservicesWebWorker-46.1.15204.3662-319afd4d-436a-4f47-ab34-faaab90cd078


10/19/2020 11:51:11 - 3702fbb1-543d-450a-b5f1-3ade91fbefa3 Failed to start worker. System.ServiceModel.Web.WebFaultException`1[spotfire.Dxp.Web.Utilities.WebServiceReturnErrorAttempt to communicate with service was unsuccessful.

We finally upgrade TIBCO Spotfire from 10.10.1 to 10.10.2 and the issue continues. Automation Services works OK, only fails the Web Player.

Other tests tried:


Reinstall Node Manager

Downgrade/Upgrade Node Manager

Change ports in the TSNM, Webplayer Instance, TSS...



Thanks for the help.

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