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Sum value with conditions in other columns give by the treated row for over rows

Sylvain Clement

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I want to sum value where conditions are gives in the row (yellow in picture) to select over rows which have to be sum. The two columns "RankMove PM n-1" and "RankMove PM" are conditions for over rows. The sum have to sum only rows where EQTNAME is the same.

If NAME_PM is null, sum = 0


sum "trackout" if "RankMove" > "RankMove PM" and "Rankmove" < "RankMove PM n-1"

Someone has an idea Is it possible in spotfire to make this

It's like a SumIf in excel.

Thanks a lot for your help ! :-)

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It doesn't work, I think that the conditions for rankmove are execute only on the selected row. In a "Sumif" excel, the sum is on all rows and conditions of Sumif are in the selected row.


I try to make this with Python script because I am not sure that it's possible with Calculated Column.


I don't know python so it's taking time !!

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The closest I got was using an expression to bucket the rows :

SN(Last([RankMove PM n-1]) over (allPrevious([RankMove])),0)Then using the following expression to sum each group

Sum([Trackout]) OVER (intersect([bucketRank]))I was having trouble getting it completely accurate as your some row items would fall under multiple buckets. But hopefully this helps you get started.

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Attached you can find a solution where I didn't use your RankMove columns.

I used the cummulative sum and then transformed your data table. Then using a OVER Intersect() function to get the value from the next PM. It's important to know that Intersect functions need a continous scale, so I had to calculate a rank for each PM first.

All this can probably also be done in your original data table without my transformation. But I already spent too much time on this. You'll get this done! ;)

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