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Scheduling Refresh that pulls data from BigQuery

Karim Kardous

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I am using Spotfire 10.4 and managed to faily easily connect to GoogleBigquery; i am an admin/owner of a project in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and have a few views that refresh on BigQuery.


Two issues that i am having:

1) Even though the job runs locally without issues, it still prompts me actually click in order to log into BigQuery - this defeats the purpose of automation. - see first snippet attached ("prompted_to_sign_in.png")

2) When the job is scheduled to be executed on server, the job runs into "Import Failed" error

I read the Data Connection Section in TIBCO guide but could not find an answer to those aforementioned questions.

Thank you in advance,

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Hello John, The job runs fine locally when I execute it by first adding "Set Credentials for External Connections", however, when executed on the server, the below error message gets generated:Starting job credentials.xml on server xyz

FAILED: Task 1 'Set Credentials for External Connection' failed with: Unable to retrieve the decryption key.

DoneHave you encountered this before  Thank you 

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