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Changing image dynamically in text area in spotfire

Arijit Dutta

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Hi Everyone,

I have a poperty control in Textarea with three vlaues A,B and C and each value has a different image to be shown in the same text area where this property control resides . Means i have a inserted image in spotfire and it has to be changed on the property control selection.

I used the below code but it gave error in html as: Invalid src value 'A'.


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from System.IO import *

from System.Drawing import *

from System.Drawing.Imaging import *

from System.Text.RegularExpressions import *


#Add txtArea as a script parameter referring to the TextArea




# Add images from a file

image1 = Image.FromFile(r"C:Users\Downloadsimage001.png");

image2 = Image.FromFile(r"C:Users\Downloadsimage001.jpg");

image3 = Image.FromFile(r"C:Users\Downloadsimage001 (2).png");


#Check if the images already exist in the collection





#Add the images to the collection if not already added

if not image1Exists:


if not image2Exists:


if not image3Exists:



#Get which Image to be shown



#Get the current html content



#check if HTML image element is already present

htmlImage=content.Contains("img src")



if htmlImage:

#code to replace the image

input = vis.HtmlContent;

oldValue = Regex.Match(input, ""(.+)"").Groups[1].Value;

input = input.Replace(oldValue,imageName );



#code to add the HTML Image element the first time

addImage= ""


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