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Link not opening file from Spotfire WebPlayer

Natsuki Nakagawa

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I want to create a hyperlink to open a file from Spotfire WebPlayer.


To create a link on the column, Iopened the display properties, went to the column, set the renderer to "Link" and used the following settings for the selected column.

I was able to open a link from the table using the Spotfire analyst.

But Icannot open the link from WebPlayer.

I have already implemented these settings.

"Additional File Extensions"EveryoneTRUE

"Additional Uri Schemes"EveryoneTRUE


Kindly let me know what might be the issue.



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Are you adding an https URl or a file path

Please can you post a sample hyperlink which you are using in the Table plot


If a File Path then

For security reasons in the modern web browsers, navigating a file:// is blocked. The rationale is that a malicious script could possibly read files from the local drive if the file:// protocol was allowed. You can make it work in some browsers by modifying the security settings but it comes with security risks caused by enabling such access.

A workaround can be if you can put your files on a web server accessible by all users so that you can use the HTTP protocol instead of file://

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