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Calculated column expression - Choose the highest number

Nicholas Witham

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Hi All, I've just started using Spotfire (v10. something) and am a bit stuck on a problem.

I have 2 columns where I want my graph to only read the highest number from those 2 columns on a single row. All figures in the cells are numbers (1 to 5), but some cells are blank.

I have gone down the path of creating a calculated column, and am trying to use an expression to have the new column return the highest value from the 2 major columns.

The problem is that I can't get my expression quite right......I believe there's something wrong with my logic, or the order in which I do my if statements.

I'm hoping someone in here might be able to help with my expression, or even better, guide me to a way to have my graph use only the highest number from my 2 major columns on a single row.


If(([safety Actual Severity]="") And ([Health Actual Severity]=""),"",

If(([safety Actual Severity]!="") And ([Health Actual Severity]=""),[safety Actual Severity],

If(([safety Actual Severity]="") And ([Health Actual Severity]!=""),[Health Actual Severity],

If([safety Actual Severity]>[Health Actual Severity],[safety Actual Severity],[Health Actual Severity]))))I've also attached a snippet of my major and calculated columns, with the expression in use.


Thanks in advance.


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