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How to add lots of calculated columns at once

Dayz Hsu

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Iamcurrentlygettingfrustratedbyaddinglots ofcalculatedcolumns,

whichistakingso muchtimefor doingsuch arepeatthing.

WhenIsearchtheanswerforthis, Italwayscomesto"R"languagein"Register Data Functions",andnothingmore.


couldsomebodyhelpmetosolvemyquestion or just give me some hinteitherinRor otherway





SN([A] / AVG [A] over ([GROUP]),).



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Hi breadcanwork,

Please have a look at this post:https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/how-add-calculated-column-and-add-it-table-visualization-tibco-spotfirer-using-ironpython

It will show you how to use iron python to create a new calculated column. I assume you could repeat the steps described in there (in a single iron python script) to add more than one calculated column.

Kind regards,


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