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Append Data in Existing Rows in Spotfire

Michiel van Schijndel

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I have 1 data source which has 10 columns included which is my main data table for my report.

I have a 2nd data source that includes"corrections" to 3 of the 10 columns from above data source. Column A is basically the same in both tables. So I would like to link this 2nd data source onto the 1st data source by matching column A,and then overwrite the values of those 3 columns with the values of the 2nd datasource. In Spotfire I basically only see 2 options which is either


- Add columns, but I want to OVERWRITE columns, not add any new. If I match those 3 columns which I want to overwrite, it will not work because it's replacing then the entire record, not just the 3 columns which I want to overwrite.


- Add Records, which is also not something what I would like to do, because it will create new rows, and then I'll need to pivot all data which is also a hazard because the new rows won't include the 10 columns of the main data source.


Is there any possibility to add data through APPENDING existing columns and overwriting the cell values with new cell values

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