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JS Popup doesn't work in web player version 10.3

Michael Kalada 2

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I see a very similar question herehttps://community.spotfire.com/questions/pop-dialog-doesnt-work-web-player-tibco-spotfire-x

But it never was resolved.

I'm seeing the same error message "The requested URL was not found on this server" and my clients version uses the same code as in the example provided

It doesn't look like its related to the Javcascript UI deprication, we've tried all those solutions extensively with no luck.


Any info anyone can provide would be GREATLY appreciated.

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A possible workaround would be to use click eventsrather than relying on url fragments. So you will have to make changes to your Css/JavaScript such that when click on the popup dialog it would may be add a class which show the dialog and then on clicking close you can remove the class.

I have also made some changes to the CSS/JavaScript shared in the post you shared that is working in webplayer and might help you as a reference, https://community.spotfire.com/questions/pop-dialog-doesnt-work-web-player-...

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