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Missing greater and less than operators from visualization limit data using expression

Jason Elkin

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I'm attempting to limit a visualization using the limit data using expression. The dates are pulled from a propterty control. When I open the "limit data using expression" within the data table properties various functions are no longer visible. The logical operators of greater than, less than, or equal too are missing and not recognized. Date functions are also missing such as "Date" or "DateTime".

The store data option is set to "Linked" insted of imbedded in the analysis. Like some tables, I wasn't sure if this version of communicating with information could limit some of the logical operators available when writing custom expressions Thank you for your help

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Not all of the standard Spotfire aggregation methods and expressions are available on all external systems. On the other hand, there may be other methods available that Spotfire does not have by default. The aggregation methods supported by the external data source determines which methods will be available for in-db data. You can refer to this documentation for information on working with in-db data.


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